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General Tools Clamping/ Holding Assembling/ Joining Cutting/ Making Holes Storage

"Even some of the more popular tools are actually quite difficult for children to use. I like the fact that Valiant has tested every tool it could find with teachers and children, and then selected the best."
Pete Douglas, Head Teacher, Lincolnshire.

"The sash cramps made it possible for children to include beams in their frames, something I've hereto found impossible...I've been truly amazed at the quality of the children's work, bearing in mind their prior experience. The quality I put down to having the right kind of equipment to promote accuracy."
Alison Jones, Primary School Teacher, Lincolnshire.

Clamping and Holding Tools
1. Valiant Worktop $18.00 Code: 1542-100C
$85.00 Code: 1542-101C Pack of 5
Allows children to work at their desk or a table. It protects furniture and provides a craft table. It's 1cm grid makes it useful for marking out and for using as a drawing board. Work can be securely clamped to the surface, pupils can work with both hands, useful when making wood strip frames.
2. Clamp and Clamping Screw Packs Pack of 10 clamps $9.70 Code: 1542-106C
Pack of 10 clamping screws $12.30 Code: 1542-107C
Used to clamp work to the Valiant Worktop. Particularly good for making wood strip frames. Helps raise the quality of pupils work and introduces good practice and safety techniques. Both packs needed.
3. Valiant Vice $24.65 Code: 1542-105C
A unique tool especially for design and make work. Use it as a normal vice, or as a cutting and drilling jig for 10mm wood strip. Ledges in the vice hold wood strip and dowel level, facilitating precise drilling and cutting. The metal cutting guides don't wear and need replacing like bench hooks. The drilling jig holes match the holes in link strips.
4. Desk Clamps $6.95 Code: 1542-146C
Clamps the Vice onto a desk or table.
Vice and Worktop Clamps $8.60 Code: 1542-155C
Adjustable clamps to fit a wide variety of tabletops including those with lips.
Vice/Worktop Screws $3.50 Code: 1542-145C
Screws the Vice to the Valiant Worktop.
5. Small G Clamps $3.10 Code: 1542-102C
Lightweight G Clamps ideal for using with wood strip or clamping materials together while marking out or glueing.
6. Large G Clamp $3.60 Code: 1542-103C
Similar to the small G Clamp but with a deeper throat.
7. Sash Cramp $6.50 Code: 1542-104C
A minature version of a carpenter's sash cramp. Used for the same purpose - making wood frames. Using the same simple techniques as professionals introduces the correct way of making things and increases the quality of the children's work.

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