Valiant Technology Ltd

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Roamer Instruction Sheet

Basic Instruction

Roamer has a demonstration program stored in its memory, so before giving any instructions this must be cleared.

To clear the memory press CM CM

To make Roamer move forward press followed by a number between 1 and 99

To make Roamer move backward press followed by a number between 1 and 99

To make Roamer turn right press followed by a number between 1 and 999

To make Roamer turn left press followed by a number between 1 and 999

When you are ready for Roamer to carry out your instructions press GO

Roamer's Units

The unit of distance is one Roamer diameter. So...

1 will make Roamer move forward 30cm (its own diameter)

The unit for turns is degrees. So...

90 will make Roamer turn left through a right angle.

For more detailed info see the Valiant Roamer User Guide.

  © 2004. Amethyst Consultancy Ltd.