Valiant Turle comes ready for use with any caompatible micro-computer
system that has a disc drive or cassette recorder.
The complete Turtle package comes in three boxes, which can be bought
The smallest box contains equipment and software which should correspond
to the make of your microcomputer and software. Consult your dealer if
in doubt.
A) The largest box, labelled "THE VALIANT TURTLE",
I . The Valiant Turtle, containing two rechargeable battery packs.
2. Two manuals: User Guide and "Penup", an introduction
to LOGO and the Valiant Turtle for parents, teachers and children.
3. A comic for children, "Turtle Talk".
4. Berol pen.
5. Screwdriver, for adjusting the wheels.
B) The smaller box labelled "VALIANT TURTLE COMMUNICATOR
I . The infra-red communicator. This is a flat plastic box with
a transparent red screen on the front. It connects to a port on
the computer and transmits infra-red signals to the Turtle.
2. The power supply adaptor. This is a black box with two cables
attached. This performs two separate functions: to connect the infra-red
communicator to the mains power supply, and to connect the Turtle
to the mains power supply when recharging the batteries. The hollow
jack-plug on the end of the thin cable connects to sockets on the
communicator and the Turtle.
Connect the adaptor to the power supply using a 13 amp plug WITH
C) The smallest box labelled "VALIANT TURTLE INTERFACE
KIT," contains:
1. Disc or cassette with LOGO interface software. Copy this immediately
in case the original becomes damaged.
2. Leaflet with instructions on how to run the Valiant Turle with
your machine and software.
3. The lead to connect the Valiant Communicator to your computer.
If the contents of any package are missing or damaged consult your